Beginner Juggling

Getting Started with Juggling

1. Drop to Foot

Hold the ball with both hands, drop the ball, kick with top of foot/laces and catch the ball with your hands. Rotate feet.

Progression 1: Drop, kick left foot, kick left again, catch. Do right foot. Repeat.

Progression 2: Drop, kick left foot, kick right foot, catch. Repeat.

Progression 3: Drop, kick left foot, kick right foot, kick left foot, kick right foot, catch. Progress up. Repeat.

Progression 4: Free juggle using both feet


2. Drop to Thigh

Hold the ball with both hands, drop the ball, touch with thigh and catch the ball with your hands. Rotate thighs.

Progression 1: Drop, left thigh, left thigh again, catch. Do right thigh. Repeat.

Progression 2: Drop, left thigh, right thigh, catch. Repeat.

Progression 3: Drop, left thigh, right thigh, left thigh, right thigh, catch. Progress up. Repeat.

Progression 4: Free juggle using both thighs


3. Learning to Flick-Up

Pull the ball back to your body, get your toes under the ball and flip it up. Take a foot touch and catch the ball. Rotate feet.

Progression 1: Flick-up and take multiple foot touches and catch. Rotate feet.

Progression 2: Flick-up and take a foot touch then thigh touch and catch. Rotate feet and thighs. Repeat.

Progression 3: Flick-up and take a foot touch then multiple thigh touches and catch. Do same for feet. Repeat.

Progression 4: Free juggle using feet and thighs.